Buildings, Places, Stories: The HSF Blog
Stay up to date on HSF projects and initiatives, as well as the most pertinent preservation issues of the day by following our official blog page.

HSF Performs Comprehensive Repointing of 1820 Davenport House Museum Basement
Historic Savannah Foundation is pleased to announce our work toward continuing our preservation efforts of the nationally recognized Davenport House Museum, a property that HSF saved from the wrecking ball in 1955 and has maintained as a museum, open to the public,...

The Oglethorpe Plan
With the community’s recent focus on the ins and outs of the Oglethorpe Plan and the Savannah Town Plan, HSF decided it was time to provide an educational opportunity on the subject. HSF reached out to Thomas D. Wilson who graciously agreed to provide his knowledge to...

HSF Celebrates Milestone in Plan to Restore Kennedy Pharmacy
In 2022 Historic Savannah Foundation completed phase one of a 5-year plan which envisioned a footprint for our future.Our Gala celebrated this milestone in the history of HSF along with continued preservation in Savannah.

HSF To Rehab Historic House As Affordable Housing
Historic Savannah Foundation is pleased to announce our new affordable housing initiative with the first of several projects in the Cuyler-Brownville Historic District. On February 16th, HSF will break ground on our first rehabilitation at 607 W. 39th Street. Donated to HSF in 2020, this modest 864 square foot house presents the Foundation with the opportunity to rehab a house and sell it to a first-time home buyer at an affordable price.

Inside HSF’s Efforts To Save The Kiah House
For over two years now, Historic Savannah has been working diligently, but quietly, to save the home of celebrated artist, educator, and activist, Virginia Jackson Kiah. The house, which has sat vacant for over 20 years since Kiah’s death, has long been the victim of neglect and an ongoing, slow-moving probate process.

Anatomy Of A House: 633 E. Anderson
633 E. Anderson in March 2020.Houses evolve over time. The changing needs of a homeowner, not to mention their changing tastes, can often transform a house’s form and style in dramatic ways over the course of a century or more. In a historic home, some of those...

Why Preservation In Savannah Still Matters
When one thinks of historic preservation in Savannah, it may be tempting to ask whether it is still relevant. After all, at least in four of Savannah’s historic districts, strong ordinances are in place to protect historic buildings from demolition or inappropriate alterations. Isn’t saving historic buildings the point? Aren’t they already saved?