This is what will be built on the corner piece of the property.
1809, 1807 & 1811 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
HSF saved three properties in this vicinity. The first being the two-story building here on the corner – 1809 MLK. This was once the caretaker’s house for an entire block of small workers cottages, referred to as Meldrim Row. In 2015, the city tore all those buildings down to construct the Mid-City Police Precinct. HSF strenuously objected, but ultimately, we were only able to save the caretaker’s quarters. HSF pledged $50,000 to restore the building. We partnered with the city and converted the house into two units of housing used by the police department. It now provides officers a subsidized rent in return for certain duties at the precinct.
Across the street is a vacant lot, 1811 MLK. HSF has successfully secured all the entitlements to redevelop this lot with a new building, which will be sympathetic to the design of the historic building that once stood there and was torn down in 2016.
Next door is 1807 MLK, also built in the 1880s, which HSF recently saved. The rehab of all these structures will collectively help further revitalize this part of the MLK corridor.